Wednesday, June 6, 2012

capturing life via phone

life lately 

according to 
my phone pics

My sweet sweet boy is also known as a sweaty sweaty boy.  
So we usually kick off summer with shaving his hair all off.

Oh this little one... what to do? Where to start?
She is determined to create her own look with each new outfit she puts together.
And look at that hair!?  I offered to help and she said, "No, it good. I want it like that."

We have really been enjoying all the Angel games we bought tickets to.
We've even left the kids at home a couple of games to take friends instead.

We also did a mama and son double date!

I don't think he could love baseball more then he does.

Grant got on a summer tournament team for his age group.
There was literally no break between the normal season and this tournament
which made Grant very very happy.  He never wants baseball to end.

This lovely Chai tea latte was the end to a wonderful 16+ hours 
that my husband and I had totally kid free together.  
It was amazing and needed, and it left me wanting more.

Daddy playing dolls with Ave 
while we waited for Grant's game to start.

I love team sports and I know that Grant
learns and grows so much from them.
Things that I could never teach him myself.

Celebrating our win with a spin around the field.

I am in the midst of a mad dash to finish product for an event this weekend.
As I swept up my mess and tossed it in the trash I realized what pretty trash I created.

Who needs to sit on the couch when your dog is so comfy.

Our sweet Lu puts up with so much.
I think Avery is why she has turned so gray in the past couple of years!

Avery does truly love her so much though.

Enjoying our usual trip to Cherry On Top.

That's all for now.  I hope you are having a great week!

*to help me get this blog up and running I'd love and appreciate you to add yourself as a follower of this blog... only if you like it, that is.  the first 50 followers will be entered into a drawing to win $35 in their choice of Aidie's Hideaway product.

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