Friday, June 22, 2012


to this same week
three years ago

Grant was almost 4 1/2
and Avery was 10 months old

VBS with Grant's friend Grace

It seems like forever ago since Ave was in a crib

TIme just keeps on going by faster and faster.
I am so grateful for this family that I have been beyond blessed with.

*In honor of this new blog I'm going to have a giveaway. You can help me get this blog up and running by adding yourself as a follower of this blog... only if you like it, that is.  Then the first 50 followers will be entered into a drawing to win $35 in their choice of Aidie's Hideaway product.  
Thanks for following!

1 comment:

  1. How come this seems like just yesterday? My oh my, times flies by.
