Friday, June 29, 2012


to this same week
two years ago

Grant was almost 5 1/2
and Avery was almost 2 years old

This week, two years ago was a big deal for this little family.

Two years ago we were sending Bryan off
on a missions trip with our church to 

I will never forget saying goodbye at the airport.

These pictures still make me cry to be perfectly honest.
All the emotions come flooding back as I look at them.
Being so proud of my husband.  Being so thankful for our church family.  Being so anxious for how God would use this humble man of mine.  Being afraid for his safety.  Being afraid for my ability to parent on my own for fifteen days.

Now that I know how those fifteen days went for all four of us (on opposite sides of the Earth) I mainly feel grateful.  Grateful for the amazing ways God showed up and used all of us regardless of where we were in the world.  
I was and will forever be changed by the way I felt God's presence and the overwhelming support of those around me.

While daddy was gone we played a lot.


Fifteen days was a long time for me!  So imagine how long it felt to a 2 and 5 year old... probably like a whole year!
So we had something fun planned almost everyday while he was gone.

While we were enjoying life here in California.
Bryan was enjoying life in Uganda.

Trying to explain he was a dad... showing pictures of his kids to the kids there. Bryan was totally changed by the joyous people of Uganda. One day our whole family will go back together.

Back in the states the kids and I visited the Wild Animal Park. We wanted to tell daddy he wasn't the only one who saw elephants, lions, and giraffes!

Like I always say at the end of my flashback Friday post...
time flies by so so fast!

I can't believe it's been two years since Bryan's trip to Uganda.  I can't believe how little Avery looks in these 
pictures or how much older Grant's features are now than they were then.

Have you seen the 4th of July Garland giveaway going on?
It is only open until tomorrow (Saturday) at noon... so enter soon.
Check out the garland details and how to enter to win it HERE.