Wednesday, August 1, 2012

hume 2012

we have been home from our
trip to hume lake
for about three days now.
i miss vacation. already. big time.

last year was our first ever trip to hume
and we knew just a couple days in,
that we'd be back every.single.year. for more

it's beauty speaks for itself

we rented the same cabin as last year 
and shared it with a family that we are 
good friends with, who have four girls. 
luckily grant is a sweetheart and 
doesn't mind being greatly outnumbered.

we spent little time in our cabins. 
we spent most the days in the lake, 
whether that be swimming, floating, 
canoeing, paddle boarding, rock jumping, 
you name it... lots of fun was had in this lake!

if we weren't in the water we were 
enjoying a group hike or some chill time 
on the beautiful upper lawn where
we'd watch deer, chit chat, 
pick flowers and play wiffle ball.

bryan and i climbed a giant sequoia together

i made sure that we took a few timer pictures... just for kicks

group shot and family picture night at the lake

love these women. they each mean more to me 
than they probably know.

i am so thankful for this time with my family. 
there is something truly wonderful 
about being away from home 
and enjoying the people in your life. 
 away from the always nagging messy house, 
the grocery store lists, the work schedules, 
and all the other normal life things 
that distract us from 
enjoying the people we love.

thanks for another great trip,
until next summer hume lake.

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