Friday, August 3, 2012

capturing life via phone

life lately
according to what my phone
has captured

I haven't done one of these in a few weeks.
I've taken so many pictures on our trips and 
have been busy with packing and unpacking
 in between trips, that the iphone hasn't been out 
snapping away as much as I'd like to.

bathing beauty

 cousin beach day

 go angels

 post game fireworks... "big bang fridays"

ave's current favorite game to play

summer dinners outside are the best

avery and this boy kill me with their cuteness

 who doesn't love themselves some good 'ol thrifty ice-cream!?

our car was diiiiiir-tay after two long road trips, 
camping, and lots of trips to the beach

she never stops talking

my grandpa, who i call pap, gave me this old photo a few days ago.
i love everything about it.  it is from 1950 and that adorable baby... is my dad!

this is my other grandpa, my mom's dad.
we stopped and visited with him yesterday on our way to the san diego zoo.
unfortunately, he suffers from dementia and is always asking who my kids are.
so i'm going to print this picture for him with names written on it.

lots of great animals out at the zoo

not to bum anyone out
but i did the math this morning and 
we only have twenty days left of summer!  
grant will be starting 2nd grade.  
i haven't started our back-to-school shopping at all.  
we still have one more trip to go on.
i still want to make many more trips to the beach.  
and i'd secretly love some sort of
impromptu road trip 
to magically squeeze itself into the mix.  
we need more than twenty days!

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