Thursday, August 22, 2013

first day of school

I'm still getting used to the quiet.
It may take awhile.
 Not just one, but BOTH of my littles started school on Wednesday. And they are both at big school... five full days. Actually our school has short day every Wednesday... but you know what I'm saying.  BOTH of my kids are officially in like REAL school. It's crazy. I'm quite sure it hasn't totally hit me yet.

 Grant is in THIRD grade this year.
Craziest thing is that he has the SAME teacher that Bryan had 23 years ago for his third grade teacher!  Seriously crazy right!?
I know he will have a great year. He enjoys school, loves to learn and is such a smart boy just like his daddy. =) 

Avery started Kindergarten!
I could write an entire post on her starting kinder and all the thought and process that went into this but I probably won't.  I will say this though, Avery is proof that every kid is different and age isn't always the only factor. This is coming from a mom who wanted to hold her back for age alone but knew it would have been for all the wrong reasons. All the right reasons said she was more then ready for Kindergarten, so two days after her fifth birthday she started Kindergarten. It's just crazy.
 In her class line on the first day.
and off she went.
I was so happy her teacher let us into the classroom on this first day.  Just long enough to watch them get settled in and seated on the carpet.  Then the kids were told to turn to their parents and blow kisses and wave good-bye.
 I was strong until that moment. At that moment my eyes filled with tears and I knew if I took my camera away from my face that the tears would spill over. I waved bye to her and got out as quick as I could before I lost it.

 As of now we are two days in and things are going well so far. They both like their classes and teachers.  Grant has fallen right back in place with his friends from last year and Avery is coming home with new names to share about. As she ran to me from the school gates today, I asked her "How was day two?" Her response with a sad looking face was, "The teacher said tomorrow is the LAST day of school! It's already over?" I laughed as I told her that her teacher just meant it's the end of the school WEEK... that she has weekends off.  The best part was the smile she got and how relieved she was that her school year wasn't already over.  She must like it.  This is good.  It's much easier to be separated from her all those hours when I know she is enjoying herself.  It will take weeks to get used to the quiet though.  I have grown very accustomed to my loudly verbal side-kick over the past five years and I keep wondering what is so different the past two days.  It's the quiet. For sure the quiet.  Avery is a lot of wonderful things but quiet has never been one of them.

Cheers to the 2013-14 school year fellow parents!


  1. Good job mom! You will get used to the quiet in no time. I am still one year short of the "both kids in real full day school," actually more like two years because kindergarten for us is only half day. But it will definitely be a big day when I get there. My sidekick is very talkative too. lol. Your kiddos are adorable :)

    1. I am sad that her kinder is full day. I am doing better then I thought and she's doing awesome... but it's just so much time away from me. It will take some serious getting used to.
