Friday, October 4, 2013

week wrap up

This week my kids both came down with their first dose of the back-to-school cold.  Bleh... every year from September until March my kids have runny noses.  Luckily they are troopers and we don't let the common cold hold us back.  Until the cold turns into a barking cough as it did for Grant yesterday... he missed his first day of school for the year because of it.  On a brighter note for the week, I was able to catch up on my Aidie's Hideaway orders.  I still have a growing pile of orders to create and ship, but I am no longer behind.  It feels good to be caught up.
I have made a lot of Fall garlands and banners this season.  I think I'm finally settling into my new work space and the hours I can actually work and I have even come up with a few great ways to keep the production line going.

And when the production line slows down because I only have two hands... well those are the days I recruit my cute and sweet boy who loves to help his momma. *Fall items are currently sold out of the Etsy shop again and as of right now I have no plan to re-list them.  I still have several Fall orders to create & ship and then I need to move on to Christmas.  I have lots of Christmas ideas floating around in my head that I need to create asap!
In the midst of filling Fall orders I am happy to create other fun pieces also.  Flower and star garlands are always available in the shop and they can both be customized to any color themes you need.

Avery went to her first classmate birthday party and she requested along with the Target gift card that we give her friend handmade hair pretties... like I could say no to that request.  Ave decided I needed to make her some new bows too.  

I think this game was technically last week... but since I didn't do a week wrap up last week I'm sharing it now.  We went to our final Angels game for the season.  We are so sad it's over.  The baseball off season feels so long to this baseball loving family.  We have already started the countdown to spring training!

 This is what Avery does at Grant's baseball practices when I am talking with parents.  She takes selfies.  Hundreds of selfies.  Hundreds.

With Avery in full-day Kinder I have missed my daily side-kick... my partner in crime. Now when we get a girls only trip to Starbucks or Target it's just that much more fun and special.

I don't know about you, but we were very sad to see Breaking Bad come to an end this week.

Avery is two weeks into her new gymnastics class and we are loving it.  It is seriously the cutest thing to sit and watch.  I mean... seriously.

On my way to visit my grandparents in Del Mar I stopped in Carlsbad to visit the Printed Palette's shop.  The kids have several of their shirts and we love them.  I have only ever ordered on line though... so it  was much more fun to do it in person.  If you are ever in Carlsbad you should check their shop out.

Just a little Happy Friday dance snapshot for you!
This girl and I... we break for dancing all.the.time.


  1. What a cute looks like life is good for you! I LOVE the garlands, of course, but the pictures of the kids are precious! :) I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Jess. Life is good! Not perfect and for sure not easy... But IT IS good and I try to enjoy it all, even the tough days. One of the reasons I take so many pictures is so I can focus on the joyful moments that he open everyday. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

  2. I'm excited to see what you have up your sleeve for Christmas! :)

  3. So many cute pics this week! Sounds like it was a good one :) happy weekend!

    1. thanks friend! i hope you have a great weekend too. i really really really want to make it to a flea market together. seriously. =)

  4. Can I have your craft room? Thanks! ;)
    You have an adorable family by the way!

  5. Thank you for the stars!! I love them!

  6. I'm visiting from Rachel's blog "likeasaturday". What great stories you've shared.

  7. I popped over from LikeASaturday; great blog!
