Tuesday, January 27, 2015

DIY : Lego mini figure magnet board

Last week I posted a picture on Instagram of an American flag I had bought and hung in my son's room.  I received some questions about the magnet board that's in the background of the picture.  What's funny is that anytime that magnet board has made it into a picture over the past few years, questions are asked.

I originally came up with the idea for my son's birthday... I think it was four years ago... for his sixth birthday.  Anyhow, it is a pretty simple DIY but since I get so many questions and comments on it I thought I'd share how to go about making yourself one.  Plus my son was in need of more magnet stands for his always growing Lego collection... so it was perfect timing for me to create this little DIY.

Magnets: I have bought them at JoAnn's and Michael's and I am sure you can find them many other places as well.  I have had great luck with the circle magnets.  They are pretty heavy duty.  This time around I used the 1.59 cm size, but I have also used the ones that are one size smaller.  They both work well.  They are a tad bit pricey... so don't forget your coupons.
Glue: This is not a job for your hot glue gun.  If your kid drops them on the floor, which will happen often, and you have hard floors, then the magnet will pop right off if you use your hot glue gun.  I have used a variety of "super glue" type glues for this job and have had success with all of them.  My favorite is the ultra gel control though because it doesn't run like most super glues do.
Lego Bricks: When I first created this board I was very specific about only using white bricks and only using the ones that are 2x4 bricks.  As time has gone on and our stash of old bricks has dwindled I have branched out in colors and sizes of bricks.  My daughter likes to use the really long ones on her magnet board because she likes to put certain Lego characters together in "families".  When doing extra long bricks you will need to use two magnets.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy as my kids like to say.

What I love most about the mini figure magnet board is how it keeps these guys off the floor, out of a pile, away from your feet, the dog or vacuum, and it does seem to create easier and more often play for the kids.  Now go make one and share it with me.

1 comment:

  1. How cool is this. My boys will love this. I'm going to show them and we'll get right on this!
