Wednesday, February 11, 2015

her first dance

Several Thursday's ago Avery brought me her school's weekly communication folder much quicker and more excitedly than usual.   Instead of just plopping it on the table as she typically would, she opened it, bypassed the many other papers in it, and pulled out the flyer about the father/daughter dance.  She handed it to me and said, "Can daddy take me to this? I really hope he can!"  I was nervous to check his work schedule.  I could see how hopeful she was and I didn't want to disappoint her.  Luckily he was free to take her so I signed the paperwork, wrote the check for the tickets and added it to the calendar. 

From that moment on she began talking about her 
upcoming "date with daddy" daily.

 She was so excited to wear her pretty new dress, curl her hair and put lip gloss on! I could not help but look at her and think of the many more times I will help her get ready for special dates over the course of her life.  I love these moments because they make me pause and soak it all in.  As I watched her reflection I prayed for all those future special dates and for her sweet heart.

To say she was excited would be a huge understatement.

 I am thankful that she has a daddy who shows her 
that she's special and loved.  That she's worth it.

I read this blog post a couple days after their dance date on the 
importance of dads dating their daughters and loved it!

1 comment:

  1. mom i hope you put some clean, sexy panties on her for daddy, i bet daddy will get her in the back seat on the way home, get her panties off and make her feel good i know i certainly would
