Tuesday, May 29, 2012

capturing life via phone

I am somewhat obsessed with taking pictures.
Everyday I take pictures.
Several times a day I take pictures.
If we are sitting at home in our pajamas all day doing nothing,
I still take pictures.
If we actually do something exciting that day
then I take hundreds of pictures.
That was not a joke.
Hundreds of pictures is incredibly accurate.

Here are just a few of my favorites from the past week or so.

 Grant watching the lunar eclipse through his PaPa's welding mask.

Watching TV while relaxing in a laundry basket.
The real amazement of this picture is that there was actually an
empty basket somewhere to be relaxing in!

 Avery "packs" herself for Grant's baseball games.
Her backpack usually includes dress up jewelry, crowns & sunglasses.

Out for a stroll.

I love our town.

As we waited for the frozen yogurt shop to open 
I convinced bribed the kids to go antiquing with me.
This space made me happy.

Flamingo spotting in my garden beds!

Homemade popcorn is a favorite in this house.

Grant playing catch with daddy for his thirty minute break.

This project was indeed enjoyable for me.

What I walk out of my bedroom to find many mornings.
I love them more than I can even understand.

Hooray for beach weather.
Bring on summer!

Our apricots are ripening.

The annual Memorial Day flyover.
This was a favorite of my dad's.

Over the weekend I went to Ikea
strictly for one thing.
I saw way too many things that I loved though.

Needless to say I cam home with more than the
few small containers that I actually needed.

I love how easy it is to take great pictures 
everywhere we go because of our phones!
The iPhone has for sure made my picture 
taking addiction a tad bit worse.

*to help me get this blog up and running I'd love and appreciate you to add yourself as a follower of this blog... only if you like it, that is.  the first 50 followers will be entered into a drawing to win $35 in their choice of Aidie's Hideaway product.

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