Friday, May 25, 2012

first photo shoot

I met Dolly Rossi through a MOPS group here in my city.
She is a really amazing woman and sweet mom to two little boys.

She took our annual family shots this past year and they turned out amazing.

This is really not the shoot that this post is about

but seriously?
these shots came out so great that 
I can't talk about Dolly and her photography without sharing a few

Somewhere in the midst of MOPS, mutual friends,
and this family photo shoot, we became friends.
She became a fan of Aidie's Hideaway and 
began using my items in her photo shoots and what not.
Dolly is always so kind, fun, encouraging and full of energy.
She is just great!

I have dreamt up ideas for a photo shoot for my line
many times, over the past several months.
When I mentioned the idea to Dolly she was so great 
and supportive that I couldn't pass on the idea any longer.

So I stopped dreaming about it and started creating.

Here are some of the shots that she was able to capture.

For our first ever Aidie's Hideaway shoot I am more than pleased!

And I am better prepared for the next time.
Keeping track of several kids, rotating accessories, and changing
backdrops... all while keeping the candy bribes flowing,  is not easy to do.
But it was fun and I am very happy with what came from it.

Thank you again to Dolly Rossi and all my great models.

*to help me get this blog up and running I'd love and appreciate you to add yourself as a follower of this blog... only if you like it, that is.  the first 50 followers will be entered into a drawing to win $35 in their choice of Aidie's Hideaway product.

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