Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day

From the mouths of my babes about their daddy

How old is daddy?
Avery: "eight"
Grant: "thirty one"

What does he do at work?
Avery: "help people"
Grant: "saves people's lives"

What is your daddy's favorite thing to do?
Avery: "play with me"
Grant: "watch my baseball games"

What do you think your daddy loves most about you?
Avery: "everything and he will forever"
Grant: "that I'm loving"

What is your favorite thing to do with daddy?
Avery: "play a silly thing with him"
Grant: "play catch with him"

What do you want me to tell daddy?
Avery: "I love you daddy and I can't wait 
to give you presents for your day."
Grant: "That I love him a lot."

Happy Father's Day to my husband and the father of my kiddos.
You are a wonderful man that our family would be lost without.
We love you Bryan more than we can ever express.

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