Friday, June 15, 2012


Today was our first full day of summer vacation
and I was busy having fun with my kiddos and friends.

It is still Friday for a few more hours though
and I do still want to do a "flashback Friday" post.
Oh how I do love to look though old pictures 
and get myself all sappy and teary-eyed.

So... here is it.

These pictures are from 
this week of June in the year 2005.

Grant was 4 months old.

Father's Day

Oh man he is so darn cute!

It is hard, and a little sad, to think that 
this adorable creature is now 7 1/2
and although he still is snugly... he's not this snugly.
And for sure he doesn't smell the same anymore either!

Darn this whole growing up and 
getting big thing they all have to do.

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