Thursday, June 14, 2012

it's officially SUMMER

s u m m e r

It has officially begun in our home!

 Grant's final week of school was pretty fun

Hard to complain when you are 
partaking in fun relays
and eating popsicles.

For his class party we played some fun water balloon games.

It makes me happy to look through all these pictures 
and see how much he smiles at school and the fun he has with all the kids.

Going into this school year we were nervous.
It was a new school for him, full of all new people,
and his first time attending public school.
I am happy and proud to say he did amazing academically,
and he made lots of new friends and had a lot of fun too!

I can't believe another year has flown by and
that next year he will be in 2nd grade!

As room mom I had the job of end of year treats for the kids.
The candy bag and "have a SWEET summer" tag I came up with.

Back at home during the final day of school Avery and I were busy 
making fun surprises for Grant to come home to.

I made this banner for him to run through.
So he could break through the "finish line" of the school year.
I originally found this idea several months ago here.

 We also enjoyed shopping for summer fun items to give him.

And then we all waited for him 
to finally be home 
and for summer to begin.

and we waited

and waited

and waited some more.

finally he was home!!!
 *please note it was pajama day at school today...
which explains the rolled flannel bottoms you see.

Hooray for SUMMER!

Let the fun begin!  

We welcome
with big happy open arms!

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