Friday, July 6, 2012



today we began to prep for our
upcoming camping trip. this is a trip
to a place that is near and dear to my heart
and my hope is that one day it is as special
to my kids as it has always been to me.

usually for flashback friday i share 
pictures from this same week in the past.
since i had camping on the brain i thought
flashing back to old camping trips would be fun.

i also didn't pick one particular year
to flash back to like i usually do.
there were just too many good ones 
from various years past!

we will go from most recent flashback to oldest
this picture being from our trip just last summer

these two were from Grant's first trip. he was about 18 months old.

these two were from what i think was the first year i took Bryan.
which i think was the summer of 2000??

then there was the year that bryan was dyeing his hair... BLACK!?
yes, yes he was.  my guess is that this was 2001.

now we are jumping back several years. that little lady is me.
i have no idea how old i was or what year it was.  

that would be me too... oh how 
i wish i could smoke rainbow trout like my dad did!

cold nights camping with hot chocolate.
i wish i still had that jacket for avery to wear
and that beanie bonnet!

sweet picture of my mom and i.
this one had a date... 1984.  so i had just turned 3 years old.

one of the things my dad greatly enjoyed about our 
long stays in the sierras... hand picking downed trees 
and hacking them all up himself.

there are not many pictures of my parents together
that i actually like... where they both look happy and 
even happy to be together. 
this picture makes me smile for so many reasons.

this household is currently in camping prep mode.
all that locating, cleaning, and organizing of the camp equipment.
then the list making, shopping, and packing.
then the fun night before we leave where no one can sleep
and then leaving at 4am to begin our 6 hour drive.

once we get there 
and we smell the trees, we see the wild flowers, 
and we hear the river...
 all will be good in our world, for those four days.

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