Saturday, July 14, 2012

capturing life via phone

life lately

according to what my phone

has captured


(this post was suppose to be

posted BEFORE we

left on our little camping vaca

but in all the packing hustle

and bustle it slipped my mind

so i'm doing it now... that we are home)


due to an amazing gift of a huge old avocado tree in our

backyard we have way more than we could ever eat.



when did my little bubba turn into this small man








this girl takes birthday cards serious







a little surprise dance party took place

in my backyard for a friend's 30th



a new session of swim lessons has begun for the kiddos
and I am happy that Avery is a little less scared of her face being under





having fun at a local water park







so much camping prep going on


a very old sign from where we go camping.
it was my dad's and Bryan recently hung it up in our house.
i love it there... good memories.



as soon as I began loading things in the car for our trip
the dog and kids were ready to go!


last minute shopping for a fishing pole for our little lady



my updated chalkboard... all ready to go camping!





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