Thursday, August 9, 2012

Aidie's Hideaway updates

Some of you who live locally probably remember
a few months ago finding out that the boutique in the
Old Town circle that carried my handmade line decided
to shut down, and with that, my fun little local location was gone.

Growing up and living in this sweet city made it extra fun
to be able to have my handmade items 
available in a place that means so much to me.

Some of you who read up on this blog now and then
may have also read this post where I shared
a few of my current thoughts on the current place 
and the future of this little business.

Around the time I wrote that post I was contacted 
by the manager of a soon opening store in the Old Town circle.
She had known about my line in the boutique that had
closed and was curious if I was still interested in 
selling in a retail space in the circle or not.
I told her I was at least up for meeting with them to
check out the space and see what their ideas were.
I did love the idea of being in the Orange circle again
but wasn't sure of the particular shop or
how it would work in comparison to the last boutique.
Due to vacations and summer plans we put
the meeting off for a few weeks.

Around this same time I had contacted the owner of a 
non-profit whose blog I had been following and really
enjoyed seeing all the things she was doing with it.
I knew this would be a great place to start if 
I was serious about supporting others 
with my handmade business.

Well, within the same twenty four hour time frame
I heard from the store manager with a meeting date
the non-profit owner that she'd love to have my support.

So, as of right now...
I am gearing up for a lot of work ahead.
I guess this lazy summer of no working 
will now be appreciated  as a great break.

I have a lot of items to make to meet the
start-up order for the shop in the circle.
They have wonderfully given me a great window
space that I even get to design the display for.
So, for you local shoppers you will be able
to once again shop for Aidie's Hideaway items
in our adorable quaint little old town area!
And I'm a little excited to share that the place
you'll find my items
 is one of the oldest surviving places
in the Old Town Orange circle.
has recently expanded into the corner spot 
that used to be a travel agency and
has turned it into a retail space that is full of only
American made items!  
What a great idea that is!

So... here on the corner of Chapman and Orange
you will find this new store
Watson's USA
and if you go inside you will find Aidie's Hideaway!
Actually if you go today, you won't.
But, it will happen before the International Street Fair.
I'll let you know when the items are in.

As for the topic of non-profit support,
I am working on some custom items that follow
their theme.  Once I have some complete they will
be listed in my Etsy shop and 100% of the profit will
go directly to The Shine Project by way of 
being one of their partners.
I will let you know when those items are in too.
You should check out the blog and read up
on some of the amazing things they have done,
are doing, and plan to do more of!  
It's all super great stuff.

I'm really excited about both of these opportunities
and where they may lead Aidie's Hideaway.

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