Monday, August 20, 2012

celebrating four

we have a birthday party rule in our household
of doing a "big" party only every other year.
we don't stick to it like a law or anything,
it just makes things easier on us parents.
plus since our kids are
two of six cousins in our family,
even the "small" party years end up
with a lot of kids.  and we usually
let them invite a best friend for the "small" party.
avery's b.f.f. happens to be one of four sisters
in a family that we are close to... so
we just invite the whole family over!
all that to say... 
avery's "small" party years 
are not very small at all.

 she actually ended up 
with two parties
my mom and her parents weren't
going to be able to make it to her "small" party... 
so they came a couple days before to celebrate

it turned out to be a party
since they brought her gifts

 and cupcakes
and even a "4" candle
so we did gifts, sang happy birthday, 
ate cake and the whole birthday celebration thing... 
it was like her trial run or something i suppose!  
what a lucky girl!

then a couple days later we had 
her "small" party at our house.
one of the rules of the "small" party is
no theme.  this makes it easier on me.  it forces me 
to not go overboard on handmade decor and what not.

we did still have ten kids at the party
so i did need some activity for them.
i made a scavenger hunt to occupy them.

and you still need thank you party favors

the guys manned the grill

and the kids went on their great hunt

eating with friends

my kids aren't huge cake fans, so i always
let them pick what their birthday dessert will be.
this year avery picked warm brownies, just out of
the oven, with ice cream sundaes on top of them.

 happy birthday to you.... 
  make a wish.... 
 yummy !

 i love these pictures of her and her great-grandpap

  then the next day...
on her REAL birthday
she asked to go to the donut store before church

 i couldn't say no.
because i really wanted to go get me
a custard filled chocolate donut too!

as you can see
avery was very
celebrated this year!

it is hard to believe she is four already.

1 comment:

  1. You have such a beautiful family and you are an amazing Momma! Thank you for sharing!
    Dolly Rossi
