Thursday, August 23, 2012

capturing life via phone

life lately
according to what my phone
has captured

today was grant's first day of school!
he is a big second grader now.  the morning at home
went well until i realized that we were running late!  it
was totally my fault.  i was taking too long getting myself
ready.  ugh.  we ended up getting there just in time to
hear the bell ring and there not be one parking spot
left anywhere nearby.  cars were double parked, they 
were parked in drop off only spots, laws were being
broken everywhere... so what did i do on the first
day of school?  i decided to be a follower and i 
jumped off the bridge with the rest of the parents
who broke laws as i parked against a red curb.
by the time we got him on campus his class had 
already gone into their room and were seated 
on the carpet around their teacher.  
which meant i did not get any
"first day of school pictures" that i hoped for.

owell... i think he is going to have a great year
regardless of my poor choices for the first day.
i'll do better tomorrow.  hopefully.

anyhow... here are some phone pics
from this past week around these parts.

 friends of ours had a record release party 
last week in beverly hills at the gibson showroom.
it was fun to have an adult night with
great people, good music and a fun location!

check them out

 little mama in training

think he likes watermelon?

little mama turned FOUR!

i kinda had a crush on 
these boy goodie bags

love me some baseball

 my lil' baseball fanatic


 i went to joann for some glue
and all this fabric somehow got into my basket!

 some spankin' new cluster flower clips
aren't they cute!?
my window display at a new shop
in the orange circle...
more on this in a later post

yesterday, for grant's final day of summer 
vacation we had a family day at the beach 
and then dinner and cherry on top in the circle


ready to go back to school!

i hope he is having a wonderful
first day and when i pick him up he
is smiling and that he has good stories
to share with me about his new class.

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