Sunday, August 26, 2012

new kids' art wall and pinterest jibber jabber

so if you know me well at all
and have been in my home more than
once you are most likely aware at how
often i change things, move things, 
re-purpose stuff, add new items,
repaint walls, and the list goes on.

so, i kinda like change.

the first time i dedicated an official 
wall space to my kids' art was 
about 3 years ago... pre-pinterest.

this is what i came up with.
this was a picture i found from avery's 2nd bday... if you look you
can see the two walls that have framed kid art... that was it. =)

that idea lasted about two years or so.

now we fast forward to after
pinterest had been around for a bit.
this may surprise you, but i do
not spend much time on there at all.
i'd say i go on about twice a month.
i go on when i am ready to start a project.
when i have an idea... or two or three ideas
that i need a little more direction for.

so about a year ago 
i loved this exact look.
but, the problem was that i was
on there at this time looking for a new
way to display my kids' art. 
but this was for small photos 
not large pieces of kid art.

so this is what i came up with instead.
this was a picture i took of my table runner... but
you can see the art display on the right side wall right?  
it's the only picture i could find of it, sorry. =)

 i do have another picture of it...
but it's during christmas and this was when
the kids' art was replaced with christmas cards.

now present day... about two weeks ago
i began feeling the need to change
the kids' art wall, again!  i never
loved the way the last one looked to 
be honest.  the frame had zero character 
and i didn't like the sag in the twine.

i was missing the look of
the old frames that i had used
to display the kids' art... but didn't want 
to go back to that or deal with the hassle that
it was to change out the artwork in them.

so i went to pinterest for ideas and 
here are a few that i liked.
i really love this one... especially because i know i can
buy those at ikea for cheap!  i almost made this the new
wall display but am going to use this idea somewhere else.

liked that this one was going back to the frame idea i had
but it looks like they are using clips instead of
actually framing the artwork in the frame.

again i like this with the frames with clips

i actually went out and bought the supplies for this to be
the new art wall... but then changed my mind last minute
and returned all my items.  which was my second of 
three trips to michaels that day!

and after all that this is what
i came up with...

i collected frames i already had

bought two colors of spray paint.
two because i couldn't decide on just one.

 this "jade" color was a dream to work with.
i never prime... i know i'm such a rule breaker.
but this green covered in just two or three quick layered coats.  i only used like half the bottle.
the "meringue" on the other hand is why i 
had to go back to michaels a third trip... 
because it took almost two whole cans!

 my plan was to add fabric to the inside of the 
frame so i picked a few patterns from my stash 
that would go well with the frame colors and 
the rest of my house. if you don't already 
know... anything in the blue, green or 
yellow family are okay colors with me!

i cut, starched, and ironed the fabric

 i folded and taped down the excess but
i suppose i could have cut it too

 first one finished... well not totally.
i still needed to glue a clothespin to the frame.

the finished project

before adding the kids' art

art added

i like it and all i had to buy was
the paint.  everything else i had
here at home waiting to be utilized!
see the cute "J" on the cute vintage tool box?

the story on that is that i have loved them
as long as i've been an antique store browser.
i am always drawn to cute things to organize with.
then one day i saw this picture on pinterest.

great idea right?

last week while the kids were bribed
with cherry on top i had them shop with
me in one of the antique stores in our town.
i found a tool box that was the right size, condition,
and price that i have been waiting for.
so i bought it and my lovely son carried
it the few blocks to our car for me.
cute right? the boy and the tool box!

it found a home at the center of 
our dining table. i haven't quite finished 
filling it or figuring out all that i 
want it to be filled with... 
but it is still cute just sitting there half 
filled.  at our first trip to micheals i found 
this metal "J" in their dollar section. 
pictured it being adorable to add to the side of 
the box.  so i bought it.  but when we
got home i didn't love the brown on brown.

 i like color.  i decided to spray it to match
the frames so that it would blend.
i love it.

it all came together nicely

now i just need to figure out where we
will hang this years christmas cards.
i think i already know... it will involve those
cool ikea cords from the pinterest picture.

now that grant is back in school
i have all sorts of projects i am ready
and looking forward to tackling!  
i hope you are enjoying
some of the perks to school 
being back in session too!
 focusing on the perks help keep my mind off 
the dreaded drop off and pick up line,
stressful mornings, and packing lunches.

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